Thursday, April 26, 2012

Independent Component 2

Independent Comp. 2 Calendar

I Griselda Solis affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work. Throughout 2nd semester, I have been going to my elective which is Peer Mediation, and we have been working on mediation; mediations are what we do whenever two people are having some type of conflict but can't resolve it themselves. What we as mediators do is have both people tell their part of the story and throughout the mediation attempt to come up with an agreement that both parties will be happy with. This relates to my senior project because these mediations are very similar to what a psychologist does, they try to help their patients with their problems and just with a psychologist, whoever we mediate and whatever is said during the mediation is completely confidential. And in psychology confidentiality is a very important factor because if confidentiality is broken then that psychologist will lose their license.
During Peer Mediation we have simulations of mediations, so we get into groups and we 'mediate' each other with made up scenarios, this gives us practice for whenever we would have an actual mediation.
Aside from my elective, I also have been taking notes on books or movies that have to deal with psychology, for example one book I have read is called Why Gender Matters by Leonard Sax. This book was really helpful for me because it explained how females and males are different in every aspect, like in the brain, how we hear things, see things, etc. and this is something that is very important to know for anyone that wishes to be a psychologist because this better helps them treat their patients; which also helps them become more successful.

BOOK: Girls Against Girls (Notes)

BOOK: Why Gender Matters (A few notes)

Our personal overview of Peer Mediation:

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Helping 2013

I interviewed Edwin Rubio on April 25, at 12:40 pm.

First "tip" or suggestion I gave was when doing his interviews next year try to get them all recorded, first ask the  interviewee if it's ok with them, then record it.

1. What ideas do you have for your senior project and why?
- Edwin: I have ideas to get my computer, like computer projects.
   ME: What types of computer projects?
   Edwin: Like Binary and inside software

  Ok, when working with computers, try to find something specific; so don't just say 'computers.' If you know a specific type of software then you can work from that. This also helps when you're writing out your EQ

2. What do you plan to do to complete the 10 hours of service learning which is due prior to senior year starting?
-  Edwin: I have a friend that works with computers and he fixes computers and he said he was going to help me do it, so I'm going to work with him.
   ME: When do you plan on starting?
    Edwin: I already asked him and he said that whenever I can I''l just give him a call.
 Oh ok that's great, just try to start as soon as possible, so as soon as you can. And if it's possible with whoever works there and with your friend, try to make sure, or to establish if it's ok for you to do your service learning there for the additional 50 hours. And it's great that you already have a place where you can start, because that is something that some people have trouble finding, or they'll think they have a place where they can do their 50 hours but after a while it's not what they needed or it doesn't help them, so they need to keep looking and sometimes it's really hard to find someone that will agree. And if you let a lot of time pass without working on your hours, then it will be really hard to catch up on your hours.

3. What do you hope to see or to expect to see when watching the class of 2012 present their two hour presentations?
- Edwin: Umm, I just want to see something about computers or robotics.
   ME: What about presenting wise? Like ideas you might see during the presentation that you think you can use.
   Edwin: Umm, activities and things like that to interact with them and show what I'm doing and not just give like a two hour talk

It's a good idea to look for things like that and for an activity especially for the two hour. Throughout the year we have a 5 minute presentation, we have a 20 minute, and then the 2 hour, plus other presentations in between' and for me it's been kind of hard to find an activity because I'm doing psychology and it's hard finding a good activity with that. So try write down anything that you think can work with or help you with your presentation.

4. What questions do you have about senior project?
-  Edwin: One thing I was thinking about, and you kind of already answered it, was do I have to keep talking to the people for the whole two hours or can I do activities and other things?
   ME: Oh no, you don't have to be talking for the whole two hours, for the two hour presentation you have to make 30 minutes of talk time, if you don't make the 30 minutes talk time then you'll have to re-do your presentation and you run the risk of not walking at graduation. The rest of the time can be taken up with your activities. There's also a talk time expectation for you 20 minute presentation.
    Me: Do you have any other questions about the projects we have, or anything else?
    Edwin: Well I just had a question about the projects that are already in there like to see if there was someone else doing something like what I wanted to get an idea.
     ME: In our class?
     Edwin: Yeah                                Feedback Also
     ME: Hmm, I can't think of someone right now, but actually if you give me your email, and if I do find someone that has something similar to yours then I'll email it to you and if I find any information that I think can help you then I'll send it to you. And also another thing, any research that you do, or if your doing research on it right now, keep it and save the link because that research can help you with your research checks that we have. So you're going to be doing weekly research on you topic, and any information that you're getting now, can help you with the number of required articles that you have to have.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Answer 3

EQ: What is most important to become a successful licensed psychologist?

3rd Answer: Employing more psychologist in a private owned business. By having more colleagues in a business they can help each other whenever a problem appears.

1. If a psychologist hasn't dealt with a certain kind of case and is having trouble with a patient, they can ask another psychologist that has had a case like it for advice on how to proceed.

2. More psychologists means more patients can be treated, which means there's a greater chance of economic success.

3. If one psychologist has to leave for whatever reason, or takes a vacation, there will be others to continue working instead of putting everything on hold.

Source: - Walking the teamwork tightrope